Browsing: Far Right

By Matt Carr
Why Theresa May’s anti-semitic friend Victor Orbán has a special place in the far-right imagination

By Asad Rehman
Politicians and media stoking fear of migrants are taking a page out of the far-right’s handbook

By Ron Jacobs
Rosa Luxemburg: a woman both of her time and ahead of her time. Murdered 15 January 1919

By Terry Potter
When David Bowie and Eric Clapton flirted with the far-right and inspired an anti-fascist movement

By David Renton
What the Anti-Nazi-League and Rock against Racism teach us about how to defeat the fascists

By John Wight
Rise of the far right: we must learn from history, or be doomed to repeat it

By John Wight
Tommy Robinson is no working class hero, he’s a peddler of far-right racist snake oil

By Joe Glenton
The Tommy Robinson photos show how far right the British army is, says ex-soldier

By Bob Pitt
Street protests and far-right parties: what threat does Free Tommy Robinson campaign pose?

By Sue Sparks