Browsing: Writing

By Matt Carr
Will post-Brexit Britain be an asset-stripped libertarian theme park purged of ‘leftist brainwashing’?

By Matt Carr
Why Theresa May’s anti-semitic friend Victor Orbán has a special place in the far-right imagination

Adrian Mitchell, poet, playwright and performer, born 24 October 1932; died 20 December 2008

Adrian Mitchell, poet, playwright, performer. Born 24 October 1932; died 20 December 2008

By Matt Carr
Our last chance to save the planet as democracies swoon in the arms of fascists & demagogues

Britain’s 21st-century housing catastrophe bears an eerie resemblance to my 1930s childhood

Why Jeremy Corbyn’s manifesto of equality and fairness inspires 95-year-old Harry Leslie Smith