Browsing: Jeff Goulding

Vampire State: How much longer can the decaying, bankrupt, cancerous Tory government survive?

Can media lies really win this election for Theresa May’s chaotic government?
We must not fall for a government that is trying to distract us from its own failure with smears and fake appeals to patriotism.

Theresa May’s politics of fear and the avoidance of scrutiny
In the aftermath of this hateful act, the Prime Minister has sought to portray herself as strong, appealing to public fear, while advocating the militarisation of our streets.

Why I’m supporting Jeremy Corbyn and why you should too
Jeff Goulding explains why he’s supporting Jeremy Corbyn as a true custodian of Labour’s socialist values.

Who are the enemies of democracy as anti-Corbyn mania reaches fever pitch?
The BBC has routinely peddled unsubstantiated stories about plots, intimidation, misogyny and anti-semitism.

Undermining hope: The toxic legacy of a pointless Labour leadership election
It’s time for a real alternative to a system that plunges millions into poverty and destroys our public services.

How prophetic was Bob Dylan when he said the times were a-changing?
Inspired by the 1960s movements for peace and equality, Dylan wrote The Times They Are a-Changin’, But were they? asks Jeff Goulding.

What Charlie Chaplin said about Tom Watson, Corbyn and Trotsky
The power of language to distort our perception of the world is remarkable, says Jeff Goulding.

Jeremy Corbyn: A revolution in plain sight
Some deride the movement and call it a cult, but that belittles the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who are now, with one voice demanding change.