The fire last time: why the horror of Grenfell Tower was no accident
Will Grenfell Tower become another Hurricane Katrina — creating more privatization, profiteering, and community destruction?
Will Grenfell Tower become another Hurricane Katrina — creating more privatization, profiteering, and community destruction?
Local estimates of fatalities far surpass police figures, and suspicion, anger and distrust are adding to a widespread sense of devastation.
The government are clearly preparing a stitch-up, by putting a judge at the heart of the establishment in charge of the inquiry.
“Let us be together and recognise another world is possible, if we come together to… achieve a decent, better society where everybody matters.”
Fire safety has become a privilege for the rich. It’s time to stop austerity and fund emergency mass works to raise standards immediately.
Will the remarkable change we’re witnessing in UK politics roll back the neo-liberal policies that have been so disastrous?
One of the main reasons austerity is being imposed on the general public is precisely to free up funds for foreign interventions.
Read these names slowly to give them a bit of their lives back. Let them touch your heart and then let them touch your anger.
Theresa May made a private visit to the site of the fire. No press or television cameras were allowed to cover her visit and she met with no survivors.
The overwhelming majority agree with Corbyn that interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya made atrocities on UK soil more likely.
Corbyn’s economics-centred, unapologetic Left Wing populism turned out to be just what the public had been craving.
And there came from the land of Britain a prophet, whose name was Jeremy. And he cried aloud in the wilderness.
The prospect of a socialist government is now much closer than it has ever been, says Owen Jones.
Spanish voters turned against the conservative government after the 2004 Madrid bombings. Will Britain do the same on 8 June?
The Tory government has run the asylum system with no serious attempt to fulfil the requirements of the UN Refugee Convention.
In today’s Islamophobic western world, the 100,000-strong ‘Islamic Peace Army’ has been written out of history.
The world needs an actual popular elected response to US aggression against the world’s poor and the earth’s climate.
Some terrors are certainly more awful than others, but there is an undeniable connection between them.