Browsing: Migration

By Matt Carr
War criminal Tony Blair’s guide to fighting fascism – just what we’ve been waiting for

By Asad Rehman
Politicians and media stoking fear of migrants are taking a page out of the far-right’s handbook

Why I am giving my last years to help end the refugee crisis. By Harry Leslie Smith

By John Wight
Who are the authors and architects of a world that creeps ever closer to the abyss?

By Ramzy Baroud
How to halt the refugee crisis? Start by ending EU wars in the Middle East

I’m nearly 100 years old, I saw the 1945 refugee crisis firsthand – listen to my warning

By Timothy Gee
Most of the world’s refugees are from countries which were invaded by Britain

By Ai Weiwei
The refugee crisis isn’t about refugees, it’s about us says Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei

By Matt Carr
Waiting for the Barbarian Trump while stopping Britain’s shameful treatment of migrants

By Lowkey
Ahmed (surfing the waves). By Lowkey
did ahmed not deserve a life? / ahmed never hurt a fly / ahmed never knew the politicians he was murdered by

Post-Brexit: why Diane Abbott MP supports freedom of movement in Europe
The labour movement cannot accept living standards being lowered by Brexit and the attack on freedom of movement, and must stand to defend both.

By Rowena Mason
Diane Abbott calls on left to back EU free movement as workers’ right
Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott distances herself from those advocating rethink of Labour’s immigration policy.

Human Cargo: giving a voice to the voiceless in the long, brutal story of mass migration
Matthew Crampton’s book of narratives and songs sheds new light on the horrific cost of emigration, slavery and transportation