Browsing: Multimedia

Tom Waits: Step Right Up
“I first heard this in the early 80s… It’s amazing there isn’t a similar, well-known track like this around these days when we need it most.” – Matthew Herbert

Ken Loach on Palestine: Don’t be distracted, you just have to tell the truth
In the end people will come to realize that support for the Palestinians is support for justice and for human rights – Ken Loach

Ken Loach’s reply to accusations of antisemitism in the Labour Party
Exaggerated or false claims of antisemitism can create a climate of fear in which legitimate discussion about the state of Israel and its actions are stifled.

Personal contract for the composition of music incorporating the manifesto of mistakes

Ahmed (surfing the waves). By Lowkey
did ahmed not deserve a life? / ahmed never hurt a fly / ahmed never knew the politicians he was murdered by

Johnny Cash’s family tells white supremacists: get our father’s name out of your mouth
To any who claim supremacy over other human beings, to any who believe in racial or religious hierarchy: we are not you.

Why Radiohead are wrong to play Israel on 19 July
“Every international artist who plays in Israel serves as a propaganda tool for the Israeli government.”

Why Radiohead’s outrage at being asked to boycott apartheid Israel is fake

Why D’ya Do It? By Marianne Faithfull. Words by Heathcote Williams
Why’d ya do it, she said, they’re mine, all your jewels You just tied me to the mast of the ship of fools