Author Public Reading Rooms

Heathcote Williams: My Dad and my Uncle were in World War One
Heathcote Williams wrote this on learning that the UK government was to spend £50million commemorating the World War One centenary.

Transform – A Journal of the Radical Left: Founding Statement and Board Members
Transform is a new journal of the radical left as we face a surge to the right in world politics.

No Trump visit say MPs, trade unionists, writers, musicians, comedians, campaigners
We oppose Trump’s state visit and commit ourselves to one of the biggest demonstrations in UK history, to make very clear to our government, and to the world, that this is not in our name.

Obama killed hope, says Chelsea Manning, showing why we need an unapologetic progressive leader
We need to stop hoping that our systems will right themselves. We need to actually take the reins of government and fix our institutions.

Migrants not to blame for UK problems. Support the Alliance for Free Movement
It’s not immigrants that failed to build the houses our economy needs and they don’t cause a race to the bottom on wages or conditions.

Brian Eno: Reasons to be cheerful about 2017 – the start of something big
We need engagement that is not just tweets and likes and swipes, but thoughtful and creative social and political action too.

20 Feb 2017 is your chance to rally in support of the rights of all migrants
Join the One Day Without Us campaign on 20 February 2017 to show how important migrants for every area of our society. Join them.

Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings: What If We All Stopped Paying Taxes
RIP 18.11.16 Sharon Jones, iconic US soul singer who was always committed to the causes of peace and justice.

I don’t vote with my vagina – why Susan Sarandon is not voting for Hillary Clinton
Actor Susan Sarandon explains why she will not vote for Hillary Clinton in the US presidential election just because she’s a woman.

Kids Against Raids & Borders
The launch of a new youth-led group called Kids Against Raids & Borders (KARB).

From Cable Street to Brexit: how a chilling wave of racism echoes down the decades
With racism and Islamophobia on the rise across London and the UK, it seems the tensions and dangers of 1936 still echo today.

Video: Heathcote Williams’ visceral hatred for Boris Johnson
Heathcote Williams hates Boris Johnson like everyone should, says Jeremy Hardy.