Author David Wilson

By David Wilson
Worlds apart: how the paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor

By David Wilson
What to do about the NHS ‘sick rose’ as the privatisation worms gnaw at its innards?

By David Wilson
Question for private scavengers feeding off the NHS: what did you eat for lunch today?

By David Wilson
RIP Rachid Taha: “To be called a political artist is no insult, but there’s not many of us left”

By David Wilson
Special offer: David Wilson’s acclaimed Left Field – The Memoir of a Lifelong Activist
Last few copies of the special edition of David Wilson’s acclaimed Left Field: The Memoir of a Lifelong Activist, on sale for £5 post free.

By David Wilson
You will not be forgotten: naming the Grenfell Tower missing, but where are all the others?
Read these names slowly to give them a bit of their lives back. Let them touch your heart and then let them touch your anger.

By David Wilson
Why Boris Johnson is unfit to hold public office and has a face that needs to be punched
David Wilson reviews Brexit Boris by Heathcote Williams and is appalled by what he learns about the British foreign secretary.