Browsing: Recent

Shipwreck of the Third Way: Tony Blair, New Labour and Inequality
Phil Hearse writes: As a general election approaches, especially one which might lead to a Johnson or Johnson-Farage government, (and, less likely, a Corbyn government) the record of the last Labour government is bound to come up. As memories fade, rose-tinted spectacles can be deliberately deployed to airbrush past realities. At the end of June, Tony Blair took to twitter to attack Jeremy Corbyn’s speech which proposed Labour’s objective should be equality and not ‘social mobility’. Blair took issue with Corbyn’s claim that for decades governments had resisted the objective of equality. Speaking at the Nation Education Union conference, Corbyn…

Do Remainers want to abandon the working class?
Phil Hearse writes: Jon Cruddas’s new Guardian article has a simple message, widely backed by left-wing Brexiteers, that Labour will lose its traditional working class base if it backs a ‘Remain’ position on Brexit. Moreover, he argues, there is a growing false position that wants Labour to stop being a party based on the traditional working class, and move towards a less class specific urban base in ‘Remainia’ – the clear implication being that this is a capitulation to middle class interests and values. Cruddas takes as a key example of this false position articles by Paul Mason. He…

Madonna: How did it feel to sing and dance so close to so much human misery and suffering?