Browsing: Matt Carr

Will post-Brexit Britain be an asset-stripped libertarian theme park purged of ‘leftist brainwashing’?

Why Theresa May’s anti-semitic friend Victor Orbán has a special place in the far-right imagination

Our last chance to save the planet as democracies swoon in the arms of fascists & demagogues

Waiting for the Barbarian Trump while stopping Britain’s shameful treatment of migrants

Twilight in Brexitland is a racist and xenophobic swamp – and worse to come unless we stop it
Right now we are becoming a sick society – sick with xenophobia, anti-migrant paranoia and unacknowledged racism.

Understanding Islamic State and terrorism – what art can teach us that the Daily Mail can’t
The State is the first serious attempt on television to imagine what attracts people to one of the most horrific political movements in modern times.

Barcelona terror attack in context: History, peace, and beauty on Las Ramblas
Once again, war ‘out there’ has brought terror to the streets of an innocent and peaceful city ‘over here’ in an act of barbarism and cruelty.

Solidarity with Gina Miller – threatened by knuckledragging racist trolls
It is difficult to ignore the fact that the EU referendum has empowered and legitimised the worst elements in UK society.

Civilisation and its malcontents: from Donald Trump to Rupert Murdoch
Too often civilisation is just another metaphorical wall to wrap around ourselves and demonise those who don’t – and can’t – belong to it.

Donald Trump tries to re-cast himself as 21st century incarnation of Ronald Reagan
Trump is living proof that even the trashiest manifestations of inherited wealth can rise to the top in a dysfunctional political system warped by power and money.

United Kingdom of Insecurity: Finsbury Park and the stench of neglect at Grenfell
We now inhabit a country – and a world – that is bracing itself for the next atrocity and the next massacre.

Bring in the Tory clowns after their tin-eared and dim-witted election campaign
Theresa May’s government has driven itself and the country into a hole and it has no idea how to get out.

How Jeremy Corbyn made the country suddenly feel like a better place to live in
On 8 June 2017, a new political generation made its voice heard for the first time.

It isn’t rocket science: why I’m definitely voting Labour and you should too
Theresa May’s government cannot be allowed to inflict even more damage on British society.

The terror election and what we can do about it
We should never allow ourselves to descend into the sewer that those who carried out the London Bridge attacks would like us to sink into.