Happy Thanksgiving, USA: born out of war 400 years ago, at war endlessly ever since
For most Americans today, how can you be thankful when you are poor or sick in a society without social justice?
For most Americans today, how can you be thankful when you are poor or sick in a society without social justice?
Faced with a choice between hard truths and easy lies, politicians will discover that war is among the few options for political survival.
Unless the elites that rule our lives learn the lessons, there will be many more Brexits, and Trumps in the future, says Glenn Greenwald.
For two years, Woody Guthrie was a tenant of the racist landlord Fred Trump, father of Donald, against whom he wrote blistering broadsides like “I Ain’t Got No Home”.
Millions of people who voted for Mr. Trump did so because they are sick and tired of the economic, political and media status quo says Bernie Sanders
Filmmaker Michael Moore’s five-point what-to-do-now plan following Donald Trump’s election victory is spreading like a bush fire.
Actor Susan Sarandon explains why she will not vote for Hillary Clinton in the US presidential election just because she’s a woman.
John Pilger In his career as a journalist and film-maker, has never known propaganda to insinuate our lives and go unchallenged and as it does now.
Post 9/11 official narrative doesn’t make much sense, or have anything to do with history.
There may be antipathy between the candidates, but for the rest of the world this election will be no different from those before.
Feminism is being used to silence criticism of a corrupt and self-serving status quo and glorify a candidate who doesn’t deserve glorification.